Monday, February 8, 2010

Darron & Calie

More of Darron & Calie's engagements are coming soon!

Choosing The Right Locations / Engagements

The thing you need to decide are the locations where you would like to have your engagement photos taken. These locations are places that would either look really cool, your pictures or places that are special to you as a couple for one reason or another. By choosing different locations that have some type of connection to your relationship you'll be able to be much more genuine during your shoot and you're almost guaranteed to appreciate them more in the long run.
Some great places that could potentially make your list of locations are:
• Where you first met
• Where you had your first date
• A restaurant, coffee shop or any other location that you frequent as a couple
• A really cool looking landscape or skyline that's near by
• A location with lots or bright and vibrant colors (see my graffiti wall pic below)
• A location that would be the last place that you would think of getting your engagement photos taken, like an abandoned warehouse or old junkyard
Once you select your locations, don't be scared to get outside of your comfort zone a little bit when you're getting your photos taken. Have fun and explore the spaces -- you're only going to have one chance, so don't leave anything out that you'll regret not getting once you're finished.

Shannon Scott